Future Research and Innovation
Reflective process

Newsletter No. 3

– Future Research and Innovation –

May 2016

Co-creating Research Scenarios

Citizens, stakeholders and experts met in Milan for two days to develop scenarios that show where future research and innovation should go in order to meet societies’ demands. Find out more.

Building Upon Social Needs

Healthier Living Provided by Technology or A Reliable and Clean Public Transport  are just two of the  27 overarching social needs  that were identified within the 180 visions of desirable futures that citizens built Europe-wide. Take a closer look at this treasure for making research and innovation more responsible to societies’ needs.

Policy Advice 4 Responsible Innovation

Quick read: Our first policy brief highlights major advantages of involving citizens in research and innovation agenda setting and policy making on just four pages. Another short summary can be found in the Pan-European network’s latest issue futureproofing.

Coming Up…

In autumn 2016, face-to-face and online consultations will be organized in 30 European countries to enrich and prioritize topics for future responsible research agendas. Here is an overview of our workplan.

What We Do

CIMULACT aims to establish and improve a genuine dialogue, where desirable and sustainable futures can be developed, debated and transformed into recommendations and suggestions for research and innovation policies and topics.

NCV Denmark
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